The "Blink and you Might Miss'em" Moments of the Week
This past week has been a busy one in our household. I find that there are not many weeks that are real slow going with three kiddos that are always raring to go. The funny thing is, the only things we really had scheduled were a much-needed visit with my friend, Maria and her sweet girls, swimming lessons, and an overnight trip to visit Grandma Beers in Columbus!
No camps, no practices, no games, just a week to enjoy the fun of summer. But just like that, "Blink and you Might Miss'em" things happened. I am grateful that I didn't do much blinking this week, or I might have missed them.
Here is the first...because there were no practices, I was able to take my daughter, Lilah, to swimming lessons this week. Just her and me. Here is what happened...
In our house this is a BIG deal! She can officially swim. As a mom of three kiddos, that is a bit of a relief because she is safe in the pool, and importantly for her, she can play and have fun with her swimming friends. I was convinced for a while that she might just spend the rest of her life in the strapped-in safety of a puddle jumper, frolicking in the knee-deep water, fearful of getting her face wet. Not that it bothered me, but knowing how to swim is a bit of a rite of passage. There are water parks, swim parties, and other events that I know she will want to take part in in her future. Being fearful of water can be tricky for one that wants to participate in those things! I am thrilled that I was able to sit on the side of the pool and watch her feel confident enough to tackle this life skill this week! Way to go, Little Lady!
Here is my other "Blink and you Might Miss'em" moment of the week...
This may just look like a kiddo in a stroller, which it is!!! However, I looked down from my run this morning to see that those sweet little feet that love to go on runs with me each day can now touch the foot rest! When did this happen?! Those feet were just barely hanging off of the end of the seat a few short months ago, and now they can rest comfortably in the stroller like a BIG KID?! I seriously blinked and this 16 month old is well, getting BIG!
As a teacher-coach-mom I know that these moments happen all of the time! It occurs with students grasping something that they hadn't the day before, in sports when a kid can master a skill they couldn't master the last practice, and with our own children each and every day just because they are growing a day older! So just a little reminder, that I have to remind myself of often...some days can be long, full of stuff, and exhausting at times, but some days or weeks you just need to put on the brakes and be a little extra aware because if we blink, we might overlook moments we are certain we don't want to miss!
Happy Summer! Hope you are catching some of those AWESOME moments, too!

Way to go Lilah!!!!!! We are so proud of you! So many great pool days are ahead of you. And Landon! I can't believe how big he's gotten! You are right, blink once and poof... those little moments may be missed. So happy you are right there with them!
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