Sunday, February 2, 2014

Spring Student-Led Conference Evaluation Form FREEBIE

This time of year is always more than full-winter vacation has passed, spring break seems forever away, and state testing seems closer than ever!  In addition, there is data to analyze, students to shift and shuffle to accommodate learning needs, and a GAZILLION meetings that steal planning time, lunch time, and before and after school hours.  Time is of the essence, for sure.

On top of all of the above, spring conferences are happily upon us!  I adore meeting with students and parents, but I abhor the planning aspect of it.  It seems that report cards have just gone out, and once again the need arises for more information to share with parents.  After pouring my heart and soul into thoughtful comments within 250 characters, what more can I possibly say in a clear and concise manner in a 15 minute conference?  To avoid this additional stress, I created this Spring Evaluation Form that is an extension of my Fall Student-Led Conference Evaluation Form.

Download this conference FREEBIE to make your spring conferences a success.

While you with still need to come armed with data, this form is completed by each student in preparation for their conference.  Questions are reflected upon and answered, work samples are gathered, conference times are scheduled, and you are ready to go. 

Here is how I utilize this:
  1. Pass out Student-Led Conference folders from the fall
  2. Have students read through their fall evaluation
  3. Pass out this Spring Evaluation Form
  4. Go over expectations for completing
  5. Collect completed folders and check for completion and student responses
  6. Partner students up to read through form and samples with a peer and share work samples (this is sort of like a dress rehearsal for the actual conference)
  7. Schedule student-led conference and allow students to share 
  8. Share parent attendance data with administrator
DONE!  Conferences are student-centered, student-led, and much more effective because students are taking ownership over their work in the classroom.

I would love to hear how you effectively engage students during conference time and any time-saving conference tools or strategies you have.

Happy Groundhog's Day!


At Sunday, 02 February, 2014 , Blogger Unknown said...

This is such a great idea!
Come Visit Readbox!

At Monday, 03 February, 2014 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES to student-led conferences! They know themselves best, and it gives them so much ownership over their own learning. Thanks for sharing!

~ Charlotte


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