Saturday, September 22, 2012

One of THOSE weeks...

I am grateful to be a part of the blogging community because it was one of THOSE weeks...

I am not a pity-party-person.  I struggle with complainers, and I have a hard time with people that are unable to see the glass half-FULL!  Truly there is ALWAYS a bright side-sometimes the search is just a bit harder than finding the wrong, annoying, frustrating DARK side.

So luckily I came across my blogging friend, Megan's post on, you have no idea how much your words meant this week when things were a bit annoying, aggravating, maddening, and overwhelming.  Please check out her post, especially if you had one of THOSE weeks, too!

Rather than focus on the annoying, aggravating, maddening, and overwhelming, I thought countering with the best things about this week would be the most ideal way to feel rejuventated/reinvigorated for next school week.  Thanks to my students for this much more positive perspective...

Here goes:

#5: When students came in this week and were getting organized for the day, while the music was playing-I could here students singing along to Mat Kearney's Ships in the Night.  I had to stop straightening, organizing, and preparing just to watch them bobbing their heads, working, and singing.  I even had a 6th grade boy tell me that he had memorized all of the words to an Enya song-who would've thought...

#4: Since we finished our music video on Friday and I told students that it would be posted and ready to view over the weekend, those without internet access couldn't wait to see it and were begging to see it first thing Monday morning.  Thanks to my awesome 6th graders for taking such pride in a fun experience.  I am so glad you were as excited as I was to see the finished piece.

#3: These are a few of my 6th graders working on their end of book projects for the novel Crash.  Look at their diligent faces and the incredible "photographs" they created to go along with their thoughtful descriptions.  I LOVE when students are excited, engaged, and producing their best work.

 Cody taking time to produce his best illustration.
 Taylor adding colorful details.
 Sam working on her rough draft.
Dylan making sure his football players look just like he visualized.

#2: This parent comment: "The music video is very cute... They did a great job... The boys really got into it... This was our entertainment this morning at work." 

#1: Connor, one of my 6th grade students, couldn't wait until I was finished DRAing a student.  He was BEGGING to have me read his "Spend A Day" project.  When I finally had the opportunity to read his work, it made me so proud of him.  The words, "I haven't written this much in my whole life" were music to my ears.  It made me realize how essential these interactive writer's notebooks are for my students.  Glad I incorporated them into my instruction this year! 

While some weeks are filled to the brim with WONDERFUL and MAGICAL days, not every week can be rainbows and puppy dogs, as I always say.   So rather than waste energy on the craziness-choose those BEST things that are happening and take the time to focus on them.  Thanks again, Megan! 



At Tuesday, 25 September, 2012 , Blogger PJimison said...

Yes, I have had those weeks! :) I loved your music video as well. Tell the class they did a great job! :)


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